05 October, 2008

Opportunity & Talent...

Many scholars say that every kid born with a talent and no one is left in the worked without any talent in him/her. He/She had to realize the hidden talent in him/her and shine according to that. Among these two statements I agree with realization but not with the talent statement.
Without realizing what and how we are, we will live an animal's life. Every one is not given talents. It everyone is born with talents, than he/she can easily shine. Is that happening? The Answer is NO.
All the citizens of the world are not shining. So, we can make a change in the statement.
All are not born with talents but with opportunities. People shine who make the best use of opportunities and get into dark that misses it.
An opportunity is what which brings out the talents and hidden talents of a person. If someone doesn’t get an opportunity, than there is no use having extreme talents. Therefore though you are not born with talents, you are born with opportunities. Grab it.

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