05 October, 2008

Bc in Ad......

I have completed quarter century in the earth recently. I can see the changes that occur in an around me. The environment, technology and everything is charging. We can't see something today which existed five years or a decade back. The best example is pager. When pager came to the market, it was a massive hit. But today, no pager exists in the world.
Likewise, what if a guy from past let it be a guy who born before Christ comes again now and see the world? What would be his feelings on seeing a world which is entirely different from his age? How will he react with the environments? How will he survive in the world? He will like to stay here or wish to go back to his years?
The same way what will a guy from today's world is been sent to the past. I have an answer for this. He will commit suicide or go Crazy.

1 comment:

Best Internet Poker said...

And how it to paraphrase?