11 October, 2008

Climatic Weather Confusion...

Many people who speak English quite often mistake by using the word climate instead of weather. I have seen some people, who are well versed in English buy still do the same mistake of confusing between climate and weather.
The height of stupidity was that once in a private FM Radio (frequency modulation), the radio jockey used the word climate. Instead of weather. It was a raining day and so the weather was so cool in my city. In order to share this chillness, the radio jockey used the wrong word. He didn’t regret for the mistake even in this very second.
For all my friends, enemies, known and unknown persons I would like to clarify the difference between climate and weather. Weather refers to the temperature, rain and humidity report on a day where climate refers to some period like season, annum etc.
Let us use correct words and if not, at least let us start learning correct words and phrases from now. There is nothing wrong in being a student instead of being a misusing person. Am I right?

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