15 October, 2008

E.T., A story...

Once a guy was on a long drive on the highways of Florida. It was a saturnight. The cars, trucks, buses showed their efficiency on the road slipping at a very high speed. It seemed everything was floating on the road. Let us call the guy who is driving as Joe. Joe, with a cigarette in his mouth, backstreet boys in audio system was driving to his home which is 320 miles ahead. He was on the way to his home, for weekend celebration. It was the sixteenth signboard on the left; some small creature was hiding and stopped the car near it. The creature opened the doors and got into the car. It had hands, legs, face and everything but doesn't look like a human. The wondering part is, It started speaking in English. At first Joe doesn't know how to react to this, and then he managed himself and started talking courageously. Since Joe was a fun loving guy, he thought he can take this creature for the week end party. In some twelve minutes they have become almost friends. Quite often, the creature inserted its forefinger in Joe's ears and shook it, laughed and sat back. It looked so funny and so Joe was making fun of it. They talked about the creatures’ planet, their life, politics in the planet 239, dating etc. Between their chat, Joe asked the creature, named I2VC3, "Hey buddy, how will you have sex with your mates?" I2VC3 came front, took its forefinger, inserted in Joe's ears, shook and laughed.

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